Multi-language Support for Surveys

Hello! I am looking for a way to have the fixed text (e.g. “Next”, “Save Progress”, “Submit”) translated into italian.
Thank you.

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This has been a fairly popular feature request. I’ve just renamed it to “Multi-language Support for Surveys” to better capture what I believe would be most beneficial. To summarise this would be:

  1. The ability for a user within Polinode with access to a survey to upload translations of question text for a range of languages.
  2. Respondents can then select their own language and take the survey in that language.
  3. Fixed text in responses (such as “Next”, “Save Progress”, etc.) would then be auto translated depending on the language the respondent selects.

For what is currently possible with respect to multi-language support please see this post: Multi-language surveys - #2 by apitts.