Handling large networks (10k+ nodes)

  1. Had an issue with system time outs & force log out while running the distribute nodes algorithm on a very large network - resolved (with thanks for the advice!) by reducing the ‘max iterations’ variable from default 500 to 2 or 3, then running the algorithm multiple times until the nodes were sufficiently distinguished.

  2. The final layout seems to be struggling when selecting an individual node: system freezes for up to a few minutes, then colours polarise to partly black nodes & partly the colour of the node selected and/a neighbouring colour. Seems to only be an issue after finishing the distribute algorithm; after running force directed, nodes can be searched, selected & collected as expected. Has happened for both myself on my computer(s), while logged in, & for another user who wasn’t logged in; both working from a saved view.
    Will post a screenshot at next opportunity.
    Any ideas on why this might happen?

::edit:: screenshots below, taken on a SurfacePro in Edge - issue seems to be computer & browser independent though. Mouseover works fine, responsive as expected. Just selection going awry, either by clicking on the node or by search.

  1. I’m pleased to hear that that worked well for you, i.e. reducing max iterations down to 2 or 3 for large networks.

  2. I believe this is related to your previous post here: Query re handling svg files in Inkscape - #6 by jmaewyn. If the colors are still set as hex colors rathern than rgba( ) colors then selection will not work as expected since it uses alpha transparency to make the unselected nodes semi-transparent. My suggestion would be to revert the colors to rgba( ) and only use hex colors for SVG export.

Somewhat separately, Edge should work find but I generally suggest using Chrome for the explore view where possible.

  1. Thanks again Andrew for that advice.
  2. That makes sense, will create a conversion table to switch between colour references, as there’s still a bit of tidy up to do.
    Re: Edge: Chrome would be preferable for me too, but my work computer options are locked down.

Please note (for others reading this thread) that it is no longer necessary to convert to hex colors when exporting to SVG. Polinode now handles that conversion automatically so it is best to stick with rgba() colors.