Had an issue with system time outs & force log out while running the distribute nodes algorithm on a very large network - resolved (with thanks for the advice!) by reducing the ‘max iterations’ variable from default 500 to 2 or 3, then running the algorithm multiple times until the nodes were sufficiently distinguished.
The final layout seems to be struggling when selecting an individual node: system freezes for up to a few minutes, then colours polarise to partly black nodes & partly the colour of the node selected and/a neighbouring colour. Seems to only be an issue after finishing the distribute algorithm; after running force directed, nodes can be searched, selected & collected as expected. Has happened for both myself on my computer(s), while logged in, & for another user who wasn’t logged in; both working from a saved view.
Will post a screenshot at next opportunity.
Any ideas on why this might happen?
::edit:: screenshots below, taken on a SurfacePro in Edge - issue seems to be computer & browser independent though. Mouseover works fine, responsive as expected. Just selection going awry, either by clicking on the node or by search.