Attribute Data and Reporting

Is there a way to graph / chart / analyze the attribute data other than just clicking on the individual nodes one by one? For example, when looking at communities and one of the attribute data is departments, is there a way to list or report out which departments are made up in that community? As of right now, I think I would have to do it manually.

One helpful feature relevant to the above is the Plot Nodes functionality under Layout within the Explore view. You can select any two attributes to plot nodes by. So, you can select say departments and communities. Typically I would then also use distribute nodes to remove overlap and achieve a visual representation of which departments tend to sit in which community.

Exporting to Excel and doing further analysis there is of course also helpful. I also think it would be interesting to add another option under Reports. So, like the Collaboration Matrix option, we could provide a Correlation Matrix option that would allow you to see the correlation (and/or cross-membership) between two given categorical attributes. If that is something that you would value it would be great to see it added as a feature request here: Feature Requests - Polinode Community.

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