I understand that there is a manual way to anonymize data but it would be nice to click a button and have Polinode toggle between anonymized data and identifiable data. Thanks!
June 14, 2019, 1:31am
Got it - thanks for the request! Feel free to vote on your own request if you like
In the meantime, I posted an R script to make a network anonymous:
I use Polinode to survey my student classes, e.g., “who would you turn to for advice about this course?”. To give the network back to students I need to anonymise it - they can see the patterns but do not have names. To replace names with random IDs I created an R script, which takes in a network file, e.g., network_in.xlsx (with identifiable names), and writes out a new file, e.g., network_out.xlsx (names replaced by random IDs).
The code and sample input and output Excel network files are her…